Indigo's Adaptive Scuba
Line of Products
AT DEMA 2018
Adaptive diving – deprograming PTSD, enabling amputee active duty and veterans.
Indigo Industries launches the first line of scuba products that give adaptive divers independence.
Indigo and Adaptive Diving mission is aimed at decreasing the veteran suicide rate of 22 per day.
Nov 14, 2018, Las Vegas, NV – – Indigo Industries will be unveiling to the world the first line of adaptive scuba diving products designed for independence of amputee and PTSD Veterans as well as Indigo’s program to help this epidemic. Indigo Industries and its sister company Indigo Tactical began work on adaptive product in 2017 and in 2018 adopted it as their cause. The mission is battle this growing problem by developing scuba products that truly help these amazing men and women be more independent in the water. Indigo collaborated with Adaptive Diving Association in an effort to develop fins that will give adaptive divers a sense of independence.
Alternative therapies for amputee and PTSD veterans have been on the rise in recent years. Scuba diving is one of the top alternative therapies and Indigo’s line will increase divers independence and ability.
“Since Indigo’s launch at DEMA 2016, we have been searching for a cause we wanted to get involved in. Adaptive diving has evolved into a natural fit for our brand. Adaptive divers have a relentless passion for diving. We are committed to these
people… we are committed to veterans and will do everything we can to give these divers the best possible diving
- Ranch Pratt, CEO, Indigo Industries.
The initial Indigo Adaptive Diver line will feature adaptive diver fins, adaptive DPV and BCD.
The Adaptive fins are crafted for divers with below knee (Bk) and above the knee (AK) leg circumstances.
The Adaptive tank mount DPV will be similar to the Indigo Nautilus XP but will have modifications which will allow the diver to change the motor positions in the water. The motor adjustments will give adaptive divers with limited neck movement the ability to power their way through a dive in the direction and position that is most efficient for them.
The Adaptive chest mount BCD gives divers who can’t control body roll the ability to utilize our Nautilus XP DPV but mount it safely on their chest to eliminate body roll.
The Adaptive BCD will be similar to the Indigo BZ-Tactical but with a few attachments to assist adaptive divers. This system features our patented MATIC system, which allows place and removal of the adaptive divers tank at any moment while keep the adaptive diver flotation system on them at all times.
The Adaptive Diver Association has been an essential part of the momentum and concepting idea behind the adaptive diver fins. When we met the Adaptive Diver Association group at DEMA 2017, they convinced us that our Indigo Tactical line of fins could be modified for adaptive divers. Kenneth (Jim) Hoser worked with our engineering team and developed an adaptive diver fin that can fit a variety of individual sizes and circumstances.
“When I approached Indigo at DEMA about getting involved into adaptive diving they were the first manufacture to actually
listen and want to put a research and development investment into adaptive divers. I informed them they were almost
there with their tactical line and they wanted to hear more. Its also refreshing to see a manufacture actually want the
association be involved with the process instead of taking the idea and running with it.”
- Kenneth (Jim) Hoser, Founder, Adaptive Diver Association.
Indigo’s Adaptive Diving line will be released during the 2018 DEMA show in Las Vegas, NV. Some proceeds form every Indigo Industries product sales will go toward providing product for divers in need.
To learn more about Indigo’s plans with adaptive diving please visit our adaptive diving section of our website.